Frequently Asked Question

How to Export Video clips and screenshots from Lorex Cloud (PC)
Last Updated 2 months ago

Lorex DVR controls may differ from the views you have on your device, but the general steps are similar to this guide. If you require assistance please submit a ticket.

You can playback and export device record, device picture, local record and local picture.
In New tab, click ( + ) select Playback.

How to take Video Clip


1. In the Devices Section (1) expand the list for the applicable DVR.

2. In the expanded list, check the box for the applicable camera.

3. In the Recording Section (3) verify Record is selected, then choose a time and date range. Ensure the range is small to decrease load times.

4. Select the Search Button. Selected cameras will display recordings shown as green bars in section (4).

5. In section (6) select play. Recordings for cameras will start playback from the beginning of the range set in step 3.

6. To export a Video clip navigate to a point in the recording before the desired even then click the Scissor Icon in section (5).


7. Play through the playback until after the recorded event the select the Scissor Icon again.

8. The Export Settings Window will auto populate.


9. Select browse and navigate to an easily accessible location to save the Video Clip. (Documents, Downloads, USB Drive)

10. Change the Export format to MP4.

11. Select Okay and wait for the export to complete. Depending on network stability, this may take some time.

12. Once the Video Clip has been exported it can be played from any media player on the computer. Opening the file from its downloaded location should launch the computers default player.

How to take a screenshot

Outside of using Windows shortcuts the lorex DVR can take screenshots at any point in playback. Right click on the desired camera and select Snapshot from the popup option window.


The above prompt will popup in the lower right of the Lorex Cloud Window. Select the Folder Icon to open the folder where the Snapshot was saved. Alternatively Select the Photo Icon to view the snapshot in your computers default photo viewer.

Snapshots MUST be saved or opened from this prompt or they will be auto deleted.

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