Frequently Asked Question

Adding Screenshots to Tickets
Last Updated 7 months ago

Providing additional details to tickets allows supporting agents to better assist in solving the issue you are experiencing. It also provides a point of reference for those agents to guide if they are unable to remote connect.

Windows Snipping Tool

There are three ways to open Snipping Tool:

  • Select the Start button, enter snipping tool, then select Snipping Tool from the results.
  • Press Windows logo key + Shift + S.
  • Press Print Screen (PrtSc).

The Windows Snipping tool allows you to use the mouse to grab smaller sections of what is on your screen and copy it to the computers clipboard.


You can then use its built in tools to make changes to further refine and direct agents based on what can be provided to them. For example, highlighting text, or further cropping the image.

You can then use the keyboard shortcuts CTRL+C and CTRL+V to copy and paste the image into the text body of the ticket.


Now you have a quick reference immediately visible in the ticket.

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