Frequently Asked Question

Check ticket Status
Last Updated 8 days ago

The status of tickets can be checked at any point if the user has the email of the ticket creator and the ticket number. Both an be collected from notifications sent out for the creation or any updates to the ticket.

How to check the status of a ticket


These notifications are sent with every ticket. If you have the email notification for the ticket you with to check the status on, use the listed hyperlink to check its status online. You will be redirected to and to that ticket directly.

Otherwise, navigate to


If you have an account, Click Sign in at the Upper right corner. If you do not have an account, it is you are encouraged to  create one.


Otherwise, select Check ticket status. This button will change to "Tickets" when signed into an account. Where you can see all tickets that have been created by that account.


Enter the email address that was used to create the ticket, and the ticket number included in the notification email and select view ticket.


Here, you can see the ticket information and make comments as needed. Any additions will be sent as notifications to the agents assigned to the ticket, the ticket creator, and any collaborators attached to the ticket.

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